Mobile game Dotop Jun-gi ‘The Beginning of the Battle’ On/Offline CampaignProving FertileRains’ media power through the talk of the town, Dotop Jun-gi the mobile game
Fantasy Hero Advance Reservation and Launching CampaignMeeting of a proper mobile MMORPG and AOA!
T map Public Transportation NEW Launching CampaignEliciting sympathy with webtoon and animation contents in order to introduce the usefulness of the app
Tales Runner 2014 Winter Break CampaignEncouraging over 600,000 participants with small advertisement budget
Goongjoong Bichaek ‘Baby’s own power’ CampaignProposing a new paradigm for baby skincare brand
NC Dinos Autumn Conquest 361 kmCreating campaign video reflecting the brand insight
Korea Yakult LOOK APPDeveloped a product USP applied application with various functions.
LG Electronics Optimus BIG launching campaignMade a successful entry into the smartphone market by providing target based contentss.
Missha‘WHY MISSHA’Changed consumer’s perception toward Misshaby performing aggressive comparison marketing.
Hana SK Smart DC CardIncreased the number of card issuance by conducting optimized strategy throughout the campaign.
Annual online/mobile agency for Ticket MonsterIncreased sales profit of Ticket Monster by performing effective advertising.
KB Investment and Securities ‘NEW Smartok’Increased the number of application download and transaction by emphasizing on the true benefit of this new system.
Mabinogi Heroes CampaignPremium creative that suits with premiumaction.
Cyphers 2014 The First Half Year CampaignAdded a concept‘healing’ to action AOS game.
Dekaron ‘Metamorphosis’ campaignConducted an omnidirectional campaign
God of card, Samguk branding campaignWrote a new methodology of app marketing.
Wonsun Park’s Seoul City’s Mayoral Election CampaignThe power of social network that led to the election! Wonsun Park’s HopeON Campaign.
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