With the rapid growth of mobile platform service industry, many investment companies have released mobile trading system. Fierce competition have led every players in the market to emphasize on ‘free commission service’. We needed something new beside ‘free commission service’ in order to make our service more attractive.
Rather than focusing on delivering messages like ‘commission free’ or ‘free device’,we decided to use a storytelling method based on how office workers should use MTS.We emphasized on introducing the key functions of our service by using SNS and viral promotion. We also created a new website to help our customers to understand the key functionsin a much easier way.
Made more than 60,000 customers to visit the new website and 150,000 to mobile website. Recorded more than 1,000 view on YouTube and 200 clippings within 4 weeks of time period, by performing SNS and viral promotion.
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Fax: 02.546.7379