A health beverage “LOOK” launched by Korea Yakult was having a trouble in conducting their marketing campaign, because the usage of certain words like ‘body fat control’ or ‘diet’ in TV commercial was prohibited by the law. Therefore we decided to use “Girls Generation” to increase the brand awareness. The key of this idea was to create a mobile based contents that would naturally inform this product as a health beverage.
Added various functions like ‘recipes for weight control’ and ‘calculate your calorie’ along with product description so that consumers would relate this product with diet and body fat control.
Utilized our main model by adding various functions like ‘let’s take a snapshot with Girls Generation and an ‘alarm with voice of Girls Generation’.
Consumers started to download this app with positive reaction. ‘Calculate your calorie’ and ‘Girls Generation alarm’ made a big hit among consumers. Spread diversely through SNS.
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