In October 2011, after being dramatically elected as pan-opposition party’s candidate for Mayor Seoul City, Wonsun Park decided to conduct an online campaign to target conservative voters and voters of 2030 age group.
The first step of <Hope On> campaign was to spread citizens’ message of hope and desire through SNS.
We decided to express the number of participants by changing the color of map of the Seoul City on Hope On website. The logic was simple. The color of the map became much brighter as the number of participants increased. It was a symbolic expression of hopeful changes that that Seoul City will make with Wonsun Park in the near future.
The second step of our campaign was <Vote On>. SNS was used to spreadmessages that would encourage people to cast a vote. In the same vein, we also created a movie and the result was successful.
The third step was to show Wonsun Park’s election pledge andsend an encouraging message to voters without giving any pressure. We also canvassed the public opinion regarding Wonsun Park’s election pledge, which acted as a decisive work towin the election.
Contributed in raising awareness as well as spreading Wonsun Park’s pledge among age group of 2030 voters. And helped encouraging age group 4050 to cast their vote.
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